About the Author

About the Author
Sara Desai has been a lawyer, radio DJ, marathon runner, historian, bouncer and librarian. She wrote her first novel when she was three years old and has greatly improved since then.
Sara’s diverse romantic comedy books have appeared in Entertainment Weekly, People, Oprah Magazine, Marie Claire, Pop Sugar, Bustle, Buzzfeed, Booklist, Hello Giggles, Publishers’ Weekly, Kirkus, Library Journal, Frolic, USA Today, Woman’s World, and Hello! Canada.
Sara lives on Vancouver Island with her husband, kids and an assortment of forest creatures who think they are pets. When not laughing at her own jokes, Sara can be found eating nachos.
Representation: Literary rights: Laura Bradford of Bradford Literary Agency. Foreign rights: Taryn Fagerness of Taryn Fagerness Agency. Film and television rights: Lucy Stille of Lucy Stille Literary (please contact through Laura Bradford at Bradford Literary Agency).